Journal of Culture-Communication Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Media Management Group, Faculty of Communication and Media, IRIB. University (Corresponding author)

2 Master of Media Management, University of Allameh Tabataba'i.

3 Ph.D. Student of Media Management, University of Tehran.


Every country prefers to be a producer and exporter in any industry rather than being a pure importer. Actually, it is not about preference, it is about social and economical necessity to cultural industries. The mobile gaming industry as one of the entertainment industries has grown economically as well as in popularity all over the world in the last ten years. It is economically and socially necessary for Iranian mobile gaming companies to enter the global market as well. For this aim at first, we need to identify and analyze its current state. In order to archive this goal 14 experts including policy makers, researchers, mobile gaming activists, managers and media managers were being interviewed in this qualitative content analysis research. After three coding steps, 21 themes about status of Iran gaming industry were extracted from 450 raw codes and analyzed by SWOT technique. As a conclusion, four fields of strengths (such as high capacity of internal market, low costs of production and learning, …), weaknesses (including human resource management, science management, investment, …), opportunities (such as being more powerful than the other local competitors, strong cultural relationships with other local countries, …) and threats (including hard competition in the global market, sanctions set against Iran economy, …) identified and analyzed by SWOT matrix. The government should take on the role of policy maker in the game industry and lead it to international markets in order to get rid of the single-product economy, in partnership with the private sector.



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