Journal of Culture-Communication Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Art Research, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Isfahan Art University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Art Research, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and , Isfahan (Corresponding Author).

3 Professor, Faculty of Cinema and Theatre, University of Art, Iran.

4 Associate professor, Faculty of Visual Arts, University of Art, Iran.


Due to the changes made in the last few decades, it can be said that the Internet, and then digital technologies, have transformed the generality of music industry. While some of the negative consequences of this trend can be pointed out, it must be acknowledged that a large portion of new businesses in the music industry such as digital music distribution has been a positive consequence of these technological changes. Given the specific cultural, social, and political conditions in Iran, the main goal of this research is to develop strategies for optimizing the use of these emerging opportunities in the digital distribution of music with an innovative and practical approach. In this regard, using a qualitative research approach and interviewing 14 experts in the country, this study presents its strategic plan for the study. The strategies proposed in this study are divided into six sections: product innovation, service, position, process, social, and paradigmatic. Finally, the results show that if digital music distribution services can adequately identify their needs and feelings, they will be able to better respond to their needs and innovate with business model innovations. They will, by doing so, finally bring new actors into their market. Finally, there are some cultural and political challenges in this arena.


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